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Depicts illegal species


Gallery uploading rules:

  1. Technical requirements must be met. (see below for details)
  2. Pictures shouldn't contain easily recognizable character(s) from popular media, and it shouldn't be illegal, questionable or offensive content such as loli, vore, etc.
  3. Maximum of 3 pictures can be reserved for a single character. It should go without mention, but they should also depict similar looking character.
  4. Artstyle: We'd hope to retain a less "all over the place" art style composition in the server, to this end we ask you not to go with blatantly cartoonish art, real photographs or objectively bad picture quality (blurry, distorted, pixelated...).


Technical requirements:

  1. Picture size should ideally be 256x512 pixels. As long as the aspect ratio of (width) 1:2 (height) is used, larger pictures also work as they will be resized (however be aware that automated resizing may affect picture quality). Wrong aspect ratio will not.
  2. Title must be less than 64 characters and only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (use an underscore instead of space).
  3. Picture file type should be jpg or jpeg.

The content in the picture contains characteristics of illegitimate species that would not be approved.

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